
Rockport Harbour, Maine, Live Webcam

  • Local time
  • Location: Rockport Harbour, Knox County, Maine, United States
  • Source: Town of Rockport Maine
  • Info: Live streaming Rockport Harbour webcam in Maine. Rockport Harbour is located in Knox County, on Penobscot Bay, between Rockland and Camden.

More info: Rockport used to be a working harbour, but today the harbor is dotted with pleasure boats. One of these pleasure boats is the famous Timberwind, a 70’ windjammer that moors in Rockport Harbor. The Timberwind offers 3 and 4 day cruises on Penobscot Bay and along the coast of Maine.

Lime production was once a major industry in Rockport and in 1817 three hundred casks of lime where shipped to Washington for use in building the Capitol, which had been damaged by the British in the War of 1812.