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lubricating tram in prague

Live Tram Journey in Prague

  • Local time
  • Location: Prague, Czech Republic
  • Source: SlowTV
  • Info: Live webcam on a tram in Prague in the Czech Republic. The webcam is located atop a tram whose task is to lubricate the tram tracks in the city. The tram shows you the streets in the main city as it travels around covering about 200kms per day.

More info: The lubricating tram is a converted Tatra T3. It begins work at 5am and finishes at half past midnight including 4 driver changes. The tram has also been fitted with a water tank in order to water the stretches of tram lines with grass and it also monitors air quality.

Download a Prague Pocket Guide of the city here

Additional Information:
  • The Official Tourist Website for Prague -
  • Prague Travel Information - Prague Experience -