Wolsztyn, Poland, Live Webcam
- Local time
- Location: Wolsztyn, Poland
- Source: Wolsztyńskie Kamery on-line
Info: Live streaming webcam in Wolsztyn in Poland, with a view of the town square.
Wolsztyn is situated within the historic Greater Poland region, located on the small Dojca river, a headstream of the Obra, about 72 kilometres (45 mi) southwest of Poznan.
View the location of Wolsztyn in Poland, with Mapquest
More info: The Baroque parish church of the Immaculate Conception in Wolsztyn, dates from the 18th century.
The railway line from Wolsztyn to Zbąszyń opened in 1886. The locomotive roundhouse in Wolsztyn is the last place in Europe to supply standard gauge steam locomotives for regular, timetabled train services on the national railway network. Since 1993 the Polish State Railways organises an annual parade of locomotives, which takes place at the start of May.