
view of yokohama

Yokohama City, Live Webcam

  • Local time
  • Location: Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
  • Source: Live Cam Yokohama Japan
  • Info: Live streaming webcam in the city of Yokohama in Japan. Yokohama is Japan's second largest city with a population of over three million.
    View the location of Yokohama in Japan, with Mapquest

More info: Towards the end of the Edo Period (1603-1868), during which Japan maintained a policy of self-isolation, the port of Yokohama was one of the first to be opened to foreign trade in 1859. As a result, Yokohama quickly grew from a small fishing village into one of Japan's major cities.

Many Chinese traders settled in Yokohama when the port opened up and today, Yokohama Chinatown is Japan's largest Chinatown and one of the largest in the world.

The Yokohama Landmark Tower is the third tallest building and fifth tallest structure in Japan, standing 296.3 m high.